Halloween Crafts at FCCC-Sinclair
We are having SUCH an amazing time at FCCC-Sinclair this year! Since September, our children have been exploring many ways to use; loose parts, small pieces and items from our community as well as the nature around us. A few children have explored sewing and how to incorporate our loose parts into their creations.
You will see that we now have homemade Halloween decorations. Our children LOVE Halloween and have been diving into learning about; Monsters, How to Trick or Treat safely, and so much more!
Also, since the beginning of October, our children have been bursting with excitement as our host school gave us some musical instruments. We are currently researching what each instrument does so that we can better understand how to use them. Stay tuned because we are in the process of creating our very own “FCCC Band”!
I can hardly wait to see what next month brings us.